You can't stop the music,

Take the cold from snow,
tell the trees, don't grow,
Tell the wind, don't blow,
'cause it's easier.
Village People
So we found ourselves at Mundulla,
As Melbourne's winter encumbers.
A neat little spot
On the map just a dot,
Near the border that night we did slumber.
But hark! At dawn what a noise.
A cacophony;
Our slumber destroyed.
Cheep cheep, cark, cark, screech screech.
Out here it's pure freedom of speech.
But along came that song
To righten the wrong
The law does it breach.
Turn south at Bordertown on the Victorian/South Australian border.
Just 9km down the road took me back many years. The camp spot was the local sports ground and the juniors were hard at training. The girls were on the netball courts and the boys were with the footy on the oval. What a great community vibe. They came into town off the farm or wandered straight from school in this picturesque, historical town. When the sun began to set and the lights came on, the juniors went home and the bigger kids rolled in for more serious training.
The kids here were alive and happy. Their laughter and ball bouncing echoed through the trees as parents gathered in groups, talking. That was the big difference. Our parents were not around. They were either still at work or cooking dinner.
I remember training until it got dark. That was our curfew.
"Be home before it gets dark." Ah yes. And we felt alive and happy.