Thursday, 19 July 2012

Don't Fence Me In

Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above,
Don't fence me in.
Let me ride through the wide open country that I love,
Don't fence me in.
Let me be by myself in the evenin' breeze,
And listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees,
Send me off forever but I ask you please,
Don't fence me in.
                   Music Col Porter/Words Bob Fletcher        
Time for refinement
We hit the road
En route to gentrified land.
A caravan park?
By jove that sounds good
Hot showers, flush toilets
How grande!
Refinement you think?
Well maybe not quite
Tis not all as peaceful as seems.
For when the sun rolls around
And the birdies start to sing
They awake, bladders bursting the seams.
Porta potties these days
Relieve the urge
For soft hearted campers tis true.                     
But there's nothing like a giggle
As the night shirts skip and wiggle
In a hurry, on their way to the loo.
In bright plastic clogs
They make the dash
Holding essential accessory tight.
That snappy wee bucket 
Held firmly at hand
Has been used more than once in the night.

There's nothing like a little pooch
Who sits upon your knee
Who jumps with joy to see you
And wags his tail with glee.
Who only wants to please you
His manner full of grace
This dear little dog, a favourite
Deserved Bill's full embrace.
His job was non too easy
Dedication was his strength
He welcomed every visitor
Held none at arm's length.
He knew his pole position
On high ground near the loo
Cause everyone would visit
That much for sure he knew.
No one escaped his welcome
No one missed his eye
If you did by chance walk past him
He'd chase you down or die.
A quiet humble fellow
A shaggy lovable face
A heart of love and kindness
For a lacking human race.

You meet all sorts in caravan parks, including old friends from Inverloch.
Joyce and John, Sue and Huie, Yvonne and Pud and a couple from Cheltenham too...Bev and Chris. We shared a bbq because Yvonne had won 2 meat trays at the bowls club raffle and so had Sue. 4 meat trays, by crickey!! We tucked in awright.

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