Sunday, 28 October 2012

Everybody Knows

Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows that the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling like their father or their dog just died
Everybody talking to their pockets
Everybody wants a box of chocolates
And a long stem rose
Everybody knows.

Leonard Cohen

Tomorrow is eleven weeks since the bottom fell out of there anybody out there who remembers?

And for eleven weeks we have been waiting, waiting, waiting.
For the assessor's reports
For the car to be moved elsewhere
For the mechanics to scratch their heads and make a diagnosis
For the mechanic to have a cup of coffee
For the insurance broker to follow it up
For the mechanic to order parts
For the parts to arrive from Japan
For the mechanic to change his diagnosis
For the mechanic to scratch his bum
For the insurance broker to call
For another week....

And so it goes, everybody knows.

Yes, I see you now nodding your head in recognition of the incompetence of insurance companies. Do they honestly care about their clients?
Not my bloke.
He wouldn't start the claim until I faxed him a Claim Form. Never mind that I was in a tiny Queensland town with a broken down car.
Hmm, where can I go to get my hands on a fax machine?
Sorry, I have no credit card for the hire car to get me home. 
What's that you say? Can I ask a friend for a loan of their credit card so I could hire a car to get home? 
Oh, I wonder if I can make friends quickly in this little town. Do you think they will lend me their credit card?
Well thank you, Mr Insurance Man for finally agreeing to pay for the hire car.
And for your kind words of reassurance that you will look after us.
What's that you say? The insurance will only pay for two days to get home? 
Okay, we had better start driving as we shall need to cover at least 700km a day to make it to Melbourne by Saturday.
Lucky we are seasoned travelers. What would I do if I were not able to drive that distance? 
Where's the insurance broker's phone number? I have to keep ringing him to find out what's going on.

Well, we don't know what's going on. Didn't even know where my little camper was for a while. Still not convinced it is where they tell me it is...and now they say they are going to return it unfixed....on the back of a truck....with a stop over in Sydney....and it could take a week to get here....that's if it doesn't get lost in transit. Ho Ho Ho, we may get it by Christmas.

Good on you CMCA
I love your motto
            "Laugh more
                    Live Longer"

I'm trying real hard not to cry.

Snowy in Tasmania 2009
For some reason the creative juices aren't flowing.
No rhyme
No verse
Just a curse.

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